Upload Page
The server slept for 5 seconds so you can test the assume_success_timeout setting.
Here is the list of cookies that the agent sent:
Here is the list of query values:
Here is the list of post values:
Here is the list of the files uploaded:
Filedata upload status: Not recieved, probably exceeded POST_MAX_SIZE.
Here is the current session id:
Compare this to the session id displayed near the top of the Features Demo page. The Flash Player plug-in does not send the correct cookies in some browsers.
Here are some special characters:
Unicode: ☺☻♂♂♠♣♥♦
The above line should say: quote backslash r backslash n backslash u 0 0 4 0 backslash x 4 0 backslash 0 0 4
If you see any @ signs the escaping didn't work right.