An axis renderer for a Mekko chart.  Should be used with a Mekko chart where the mekkoRenderer is used on the series.  Displays the Y axis as a range from 0 to 1 (0 to 100%) and the x axis with a tick for each series scaled to the sum of all the y values.

$.jqplot.MekkoAxisRendererAn axis renderer for a Mekko chart.
tickModeHow to space the ticks on the axis.
barLabelRendererrenderer to use to draw labels under each bar.
barLabelsarray of labels to put under each bar.
barLabelOptionsoptions object to pass to the bar label renderer.




How to space the ticks on the axis.  ‘bar’ will place a tick at the width of each bar.  This is the default for the x axis.  ‘even’ will place ticks at even intervals.  This is the default for x2 axis and y axis.  y axis cannot be changed.


this.barLabelRenderer = $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer

renderer to use to draw labels under each bar.


this.barLabels = this.barLabels || []

array of labels to put under each bar.


this.barLabelOptions = {}

options object to pass to the bar label renderer.

How to space the ticks on the axis.
this.barLabelRenderer = $.jqplot.AxisLabelRenderer
renderer to use to draw labels under each bar.
this.barLabels = this.barLabels || []
array of labels to put under each bar.
this.barLabelOptions = {}
options object to pass to the bar label renderer.